The Place Command is the Duct Tape of Dog Training!

I post a LOT of videos and photos involving the place command. Dogs learning the place command, how to teach the place command, how to proof the place command, different ways to use the place command, etc. You might be left wondering why I put so much focus on one command? Is it really that important? YES! The place command is nicknamed “the duct tape of dog training” for a reason: it can help with countless behavior issues. Let’s walk through a few examples.

Two “Musts” When Bringing Home a New Rescue Dog

You just adopted a dog—congratulations!! This is an exciting time and I hope you’re enjoying it. In this blog post I’ll share two “best practices” for bringing home a new dog. Since you are an animal lover I’m sure you’re prepared to give your new dog plenty of love, affection, treats, food, water and shelter, so I’ll leave those items off my list. Instead, I’ll focus on the things most folks either overlook or don’t know about.

Do we have to use the tools?

Occasionally, dog owners who are considering my training program ask if I can train their dog using their preferred training tools instead of mine. The short answer is no. The longer answer explains why I use the tools I do, and why I won’t switch to something else to accommodate my clients. It’s not because I don’t respect my clients’ right to decide what’s best for their dog—I certainly do!—it’s that I’m committed to using the tools and methods that I’ve found to be most successful. If those differ from your preferences, that’s okay, but that means I’m not the trainer for you. Let’s dive into the tools and methods I use and why.

How to Assess Your Dog's Behavioral Health

I think this is a good thing to be curious about because behavioral health isn’t usually considered until there’s a problem, and by then it’s harder to fix it. Just like any other health problem, it’s in your dog’s best interest to identify and address behavioral health issues as early as possible. Here are a few things to consider if you’re assessing your dog’s behavioral health.