Is Your Dog Getting Enough Quality Time?

I know you're busy. I am too! You've been at work all day only to return home to household responsibilities—kids, dinner, sports, other commitments. Sometimes it feels like there's not much time left for your dog. 

But you didn't get your dog to be in the background of your life, and no dog thrives in the background either. 

I know you want to care for them, spend time with them and meet their needs, and I have good news: You CAN make your time together count, even if it is limited! 

Here are a few suggestions on how to structure your days so that your dog's needs are met and you're spending some quality time together. 

  • Walks. You need to get some movement in too, especially if you're confined to a desk all day. Take your dog for a daily walk and work in some skills practice in the process. This will add mental exercise and engagement to your walk! Stop and sit, work on the heel command, ask for a down while you're waiting for the light to change, etc. 

  • Place command. Use place to include your dog in more of the more mundane daily tasks of your daily life. For example, if you're meal prepping, folding laundry or tidying up a room, have your dog in place nearby so that you're still spending time together.

  • Engaged play. Instead of letting your dog out in the yard to entertain himself, go out with him and engage him in his favorite game (fetch, tug, chase etc). Even 10 minutes of this goes a long way toward meeting your dog's needs AND strengthening your bond. 

Overall, try to think of your relationship with your dog as a priority in your life, just as your relationships with humans. This will help you think of ways to incorporate them into things you're already doing, and it will help you prioritize one-on-one time! 

Here are some sample daily schedules to get you started: