Your Dog is Not a Robot!

One of the most common concerns of prospective clients is the fear that training will turn their dog into a robot. 

“I don’t want a robot!” 

I can’t blame them—I wouldn’t want a robot dog either! We got a dog to have a companion, not a perfect performer of tasks.

dog training results delaware

If that’s your concern, I have good news for you: I don’t know how to make a dog into a robot. Dogs are thinking, feeling beings who make their own decisions. This is what enables them to be such stellar companions. They bring love, comfort, and plenty of unforgettable, hilarious moments.

Nearly all clients reach a point in their dog training journey where they question their dog’s progress. 

“We’ve been working hard and he’s come so far, but there are still moments when he makes mistakes and I have to remind him. When will that stop? When will he just do the right thing?”

Clients are initially surprised by my response: “Never, because he’s not a robot.” 

The fact that dogs are not robots—that they are their own autonomous beings with their own feelings and impulses—means that things won’t always be smooth sailing. Your dog is going to mess up. Your dog is going to have setbacks. Your dog is going to need reminders. If you stay with it, your dog will absolutely improve! But there is no room for perfectionism in dog training because non-robot dogs will always have the potential for mistakes, forgetfulness, overwhelm, etc. 

This is not bad news. It just means we need to have the right expectations from our dogs and from ourselves. Most importantly: 

  1. Dogs aren’t robots! Let’s agree to leave perfectionism behind. 

  2. Good dog behavior relies upon proactive human guidance. You are your dog’s guide to our confusing human world. You’ll need to give less guidance over time, but for best results (and the least amount of frustration!) I recommend fully embracing this role.

You’ve got this!